Delaware Climate Data

We offer an Delaware Manual J for $79 in 4-6 hours.  We can also offer Delaware Manual S $79 and Delaware Manual D $99.

Below is a collection of Delaware Climate Data and outdoor design conditions. We included an Delaware state average of each category at the bottom of the Manual J climate data table. We created this to allow an easy to use free resource for Manual J professionals to use on jobsites, in the field, and while calculating Manual J heat loss and heat gain reports. If you have a custom set of data from Delaware we would consider adding to the Delaware Climate Data table simply email it to

We can also create a Manual J using climate data from the tables below. Email pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get your Delaware Manual J taken care of.

Free Manual J

DelawareElevation in FeetLatitude North DegreesHeating 99% Outdoor Dry BulbCooling Outdoor Air 1% Dry BulbCooling Outdoor Air Coincident Wet BulbCooling Design Grains 55% Relative Humidity IndoorsCooling Design Grains 45% Relative Humidity IndoorsCooling Design Grains 45% Relative Humidity IndoorsDaily RatingHeating Design Days 65 degrees/Colling Design Days 50 degrees Ratio
Dover Air Force Base2339189075354148M1.19
Georgetown, Sussex Co. airport5239199075344147M1.07
Wilmington, New Castle Co. airport7940168974313844M1.31
District of Columbia          
Andrews Air Force Base28239189174303743M1.12
Ronald Reagan airport6639209275344147M0.91
Delaware State Averages100.439.218.290.474.632.839.645.8M1.12


Delaware Climate Data
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Delaware Climate Data
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